Just some thoughts

Everyone has flaws and that includes me!! I’ve hurt so many people, some without me even realising it. Sorry and forgive me if I’ve done anything wrong alright. It sucks to break and disappoint those you know is a victim. It creates a wall in between us. I guess i need to learn to forgive myself too.

Last week was a really hectic week though to many here, it was a very free one. Though busy, it was a week that i know and can just feel God’s interest and His presence ever so real and refreshing again  in what’s going on in our lives, people’s lives, the school. He gave me a boost, when i thought all is gone. He gave me encouragement, when i thought of giving up. He told me He is looking and keep holding on, when i felt all that i’ve sacrificed for no one will see.

Today i slept in total of 15 hours! I was feeling sick and having a terrible flu when i woke up and cancelled everything i had. It felt so nice to tuck in at home the whole day, sleeping, reenergizing. I’m hoping to get a one week break, a one week rest other than schools and tuitions. =) It’s nice to get rest in between of business. After this week, it’s gonna be another machine starting, revving up again! I’m excited though, of what’s yet to happen. Scared in the same time, yet i know it’s gonna be another amazing thing.

I thought of reviewing every movies i’ll be watching from today onwards. Usually i’ll forget about what i’ve watched two days after because i watched almost everyday. So, hopefully this will be a way to keep my memory better. Today, i’ve watched this movie called Dawn in 60 seconds. One of the actors is Nicholas Cage. He is a cool actor. A good one too. This movie talks about a brother(him) who went all his way in stealing 50 cars in three days time to save his little brother. That’s a whole lot of cars! At last, of course he did it and he didn’t get caught because of the sympathy of a detective who had pursued over him for 6 years! He was the best car stealer back then. So yeah, that’s roughly about it. A brother’s love.


~ by Christine Lee on November 8, 2009.

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